December 8, 2022 / by Margarita Núñez Estimated read time: 3 minutes
3 Reasons to Centralize your Translation Program
A business that invests in centralizing localization services with a professional translation agency like SimulTrans will see a significant return on that investment through efficiencies gained.
Here are three concrete efficiencies gained by centralizing your translation program with a localization company:
1. Increased scalability
Working with one language partner allows your company to quickly tap into a vast pool of language and localization resources. Tapping into this network means you can quickly translate any type of content into any language without spending time looking for new resources, signing contracts, and testing a new vendor.
2. Reduced translation costs
Centralizing all translation projects with the same language service provider will ensure that all your translated content is stored in a single translation memory system. So, when you need software strings or a new marketing case study translated, your language partner can leverage previously translated content and reuse it. This means that you will pay less for those words since leveraged words are paid at a lower rate, reducing the overall translation bill for your company.
3. Process improvement
Connecting your content management system (CMS) file repository, cloud service, or marketing automation platform with a single translation vendor TMS leads to process improvements. This is because it is more efficient. It reduces time spent doing manual tasks such as copying and pasting copy into an excel and sending it for translation via email. Your single vendor can seamlessly automate this translation process via a connector or plug-in. This means that when you need content translated into other languages, the connector exports content for translation and imports translations back automatically. This integration of systems means that your team can concentrate on their jobs rather than carrying out more tedious manual tasks that can be fully automated, leading to time savings and process improvements.
Through these three efficiencies, your company will see a significant return on localization investment gained by achieving a better alignment of localization services with your corporate growth strategy.
SimulTrans can be your next language service provider, take the first step and talk to us today.
Written by Margarita Núñez
Margarita is Vice President, Marketing and Business Development at SimulTrans. She spearheads SimulTrans' Digital Marketing and Business Development Programs, focusing on developing digital marketing strategies that support business growth. A native of Spain, she holds a Bachelor of Arts in History of Art and a Master of Arts in European Studies.