Translation and Localization Resources | SimulTrans

How to Fix AI Translations with Linguistic Validation

Written by the SimulTrans Team | September 27, 2023

In today's fast-paced digital world, we often find ourselves needing quick translations to bridge language barriers and reach a wider audience. Tools like Google Translate have become our go-to companions in these situations. They promise instant translations at the click of a button, making communication across languages seem like a breeze. However, there's a catch: the translations they provide are often far from perfect.

Sure, Google Translate and similar AI-powered translation tools have come a long way in recent years. They use complex algorithms and massive datasets to convert text from one language to another. But let's face it, they're not infallible. Machine translations can be riddled with errors, misinterpret context, and lack the nuance that only a human can provide, making the machine translation quality quite poor.

So, what's the solution? Well, it's quite simple: linguistic validation. At SimulTrans, we are seeing an increasing number of requests for linguistic validation because we are experts in post-editing services.

What Is Linguistic Validation?

Linguistic validation is the process of having a human expert review and edit machine translations to ensure accuracy, clarity, and cultural sensitivity. In other words, it's the crucial step that can turn a mediocre machine translation into a polished, professional piece of content. Here's why it's essential:

1. Accuracy Matters

Imagine using generative AI translation for an important document, only to realize that it completely misinterpreted your message. Whether it's a business proposal, a legal document, or a heartfelt letter, accuracy is paramount. A linguistic expert can quickly identify and rectify inaccuracies, ensuring that your content conveys the intended meaning correctly.

2. Context is King

Languages are rich with context, idioms, and cultural nuances that machines often miss. Reviewers can bridge this gap by understanding the context and adapting the translation accordingly. They make sure your message makes sense in the cultural context of the target audience.

3. Style and Tone

Not everything should sound like a robot wrote it. Different situations call for different tones – formal, casual, professional, or creative. Machine translation post-editors can tweak the translation to match the desired style, making your content more engaging and relatable.

4. Idioms and Expressions

Languages are full of idiomatic expressions that don't translate directly. If you want your content to resonate with your audience, linguistic reviewers can replace those awkward machine translations with equivalent idioms or phrases that make sense in the target language.

5. Cultural Sensitivity Matters

The last thing you want is to offend or alienate your audience due to culturally insensitive language. Machine translation reviewers ensure that your content is culturally sensitive and respectful, which is especially important in today's globalized world.

6. Readability and Clarity

Machine translations can produce grammatically correct but clunky or confusing sentences. Machine translation editors improve readability and clarity, making your content more accessible and enjoyable to read.

7. Consistency Counts

Consistency is key in any piece of content. Linguistic experts maintain consistent terminology and style throughout your document, ensuring a professional and cohesive final product.

8. Legal and Compliance Issues

In legal, regulatory, or compliance-related documents, precision is non-negotiable. Subject-matter experts ensure that your translations comply with legal requirements and accurately reflect contractual obligations.

9. Protect Your Brand Image

Your content is a reflection of your brand. Low-quality translations can damage your reputation and brand image. Linguistic validation helps you maintain high-quality content that meets or exceeds your audience's expectations.

10. Quality Assurance

Think of linguistic validation as part of your localization quality assurance process. It catches errors, enhances the overall quality of your translations, and ensures that your message is effectively communicated.

In a world where generative AI and machine learning are rapidly advancing, linguistic validation services stand out as a timeless necessity. While machine translation tools like Google Translate can be incredibly useful for quick and informal translations, they often fall short when it comes to important documents or professional content.

So, the next time you're tempted to rely solely on AI translation services, remember the importance of translation validation. It's the key to transforming a cheap AI translation into a high-quality, effective piece of content that resonates with your target audience. After all, a little human touch can go a long way in breaking down language barriers and connecting with people across the globe.

Do you have machine-translated content that needs review before publishing? Contact the experts in linguistic validation.