Need your software localized?

SimulTrans translates over 1 million words per day into over 100 languages.

We can work with properties files, XML, JSON, YAML, iOS .strings, Android Strings XML, PO files, XLIFF, and dozens of other formats. SimulTrans is also able to parse and localize strings embedded in application files, such as PHP, JSP, ASPX, and JavaScript. As long as the localizable values are delimited consistently, it is easy to identify the text for translation and create target-language versions.

We also provide localization engineering and testing services.

For a free, super-competitive quote:

  • Just fill out our simple form. Upload your files for translation here and let us know what languages you want to target.

  • We will quickly analyze your content to determine how many words need to be translated and what other work may be required. 

  • We will provide a quote that you can approve with a single click to get your project started.

SimulTrans provides translations for companies, but does not work with individuals for the translation of personal documents like birth certificates or transcripts.